Profile: Integral Dohgon
Integral Dohgon

Integral Dohgon @Integral  


  The Black Pied Piper’s Song is Ignorance

Black social media has a hidden Pied Piper and his song is ignorance. This might sound cynical but I’m only saying this because I’m tired of all the conspiracies surrounding Kanye West, Kyrie Irving, and other issues involving the global Black community. Should I get off of social media and keep my ass quiet then? I don’t think so; I’ll continue to state that Black people need to start playing a different tune because we are on the wrong track about Life.

The Pied Piper is a character in a story that is known worldwide. It is a story of a man who was hired to rid a German town of its severe Rat infestation. He did the job by using a Flute to play a seductive song that the Rats couldn’t resist so they all followed him out of the town never to return. The town then refused to pay the Pied Piper for his services because they felt he did the job too easily. The man then got revenge on the townspeople by ridding them of all their children.

The story of the Pied Piper is an allegory about the importance of honor and honesty but those things are not what I’m going off about. What I’m talking about is the prevalence of Mind control in the Black community. The Pied Piper story says that the man played a song that made the Rats and the Children feel very happy and very sad at the same time. It was so alluring that they couldn’t resist hearing it. That means that the Pied Piper hypnotized them.  

If you understand how the Mind works, you will know that happiness and sadness are characteristics of our emotions and emotions are controlled by Hormones. In essence; we all can be controlled by anything that stimulates our emotions, driving them into the extremes of addiction. The new Pied Piper for Black people is victim mentality conspiracies. It knows that we love to feel the emotions that conspiracies generate within us. We are then willing to sacrifice our good sense and a way out in order to dwell within it.

The Black Pied Piper just dropped a new Album and because he is in tuned to everything your heart desires, it contains a song for everything you can think of. Here is a list of some of the infinite number of songs.

Track 1. Kanye is a Genius and Knows Exactly What He Is Doing.
Track 2. Kanye was forced to Sacrifice his Mother to become a Billionaire.
Track 3. Black Americans (Negroes) are the real Jews.
Track 4. The government is hiding the truth about Black people.
Track 5. America is the real holy-land and both Israel and Egypt are hidden here.
Track 6. Black celebrities sell their Souls to get rich and are killed when they tell the truth.
Track 7. Kanye is the new prophet that was sent by God to save Christians.
Track 8. Kyrie Irving is another prophet that is trying to reveal the truth.
Track 9. Black celebrities sacrifice their family members to get rich.
Track 10. The Illuminati Controls the World.

And here are some classic tracks that everyone knows and loves. “God is Real”, “Jesus is Coming Soon”, “The World Is Ending”, and “The Earth is Flat”. Beware of the Black Pied Piper.

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Kyrie and Ye's issue may be a conspiracy, but the history of our oppression in America is not.

I think instead of being focused on our liberation we focus on closely related ideas that may help change a population that is against our existence. This is because Black people have been repeatedly denied what we have worked to gain, mostly through theft and violence. Put another way, perhaps so called 'victim mentality conspiracies' happen because our actual victimization is allowed to fester.
2022-11-17 09:18:38
Integral Dohgon

Integral Dohgon @Integral  

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Marketplace Items




  The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.


When: 2024-06-08 12:00:00: Saturday June 8, 2024 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) - EDT (America/New York)
Duration: 3 hours
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Video Group Chat: https://blaqsbi.com/5pFk

Responses: 4 plan to attend · 0 maybe · 1 declined

The Last African Worldviews Session - Open Table Discussion.  - June 8, 2024
Open table discussion.

We look forward to hear your viewpoint.

Event Type: Community

Funding Requests

Hallo everyone I am starting a community project to help needy children in our our slums by providing them with free sanitary towels ,since majority come from poor families who can't afford the sanitary towels leave alone having three decent meals in a day .majority of the girls are forced to stay away from school during their mens and missing on learning time which affect their grades .
Paul Mwaura is requesting 10,000 in donation.
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Goal: 10,000

Podcast/radio Shows

"Working at Microsoft and a Scholarship from Adobe!"

In this series we will be conversing with professionals from different industries, discussing their journey on how they became 'The Professionals You Should Know.

Today we sat down with Ackeem Durrant who is a Senior Character Artist. He kindly sat down with us to disclose his incredible journey within the artistic industry, the determination and skill that it took to get there and the work he is doing to teach young artists who aspire to be in such positions.

R3 Physiotherapy: Working at Microsoft and a Scholarship from Adobe!

Book Suggestions

"Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum"

On a cold day in March of 1911, officials marched twelve Black men into the heart of a forest in Maryland. Under the supervision of a doctor, the men were forced to clear the land, pour cement, lay bricks, and harvest tobacco. When construction finished, they became the first twelve patients of the state’s Hospital for the Negro Insane. For centuries, Black patients have been absent from our history books. Madness transports readers behind the brick walls of a Jim Crow asylum.

Listenable Book: Madness By Antonia Hylton




Terrible/Excellent Meter


Tomorrow land wonderful place for humanity

Challenge: Trivias

   How Well Do You Know Black Hollywood for 3 Trivia: More Like This

Name the movie from the clip above.

Open slots: 19,999,990 Completed: 0%

Winners (2)

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@?6 ?:89E :? |:2>:
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Magazine Suggestions

"New African Woman"

The New African Woman offers intelligent, in-depth and inspirational features, news and visuals on a diverse range of issues that truly speak to and resonate with the modern Black woman. With expert analysis, insights and thought-leader interviews and OpEds, we celebrate every black woman’s diverse accomplishment and aspirations in all spheres.


  1. Do you agree that African-Americans should form their own nation a separate country?
